Philippa McClellan Bainbridge
1978 Co-Chairman GCA Annual Meeting
1980 GCA Long Range Planning Committee
1982-84 Zone VIII Vice Chairman
1985 Zone VIII Meeting Chairman
1985 Zone VIII Creative Leadership Award
1986-88 Zone VIII Representative Interchange Fellowship Committee
1988-90 GCA VIce Chairman Visiting Gardens Committee
1995-97 Zone VIII Director
2000-02 Zone VIII Representative Nominating Committee
2001 GCA Annual Meeting Advisory Committee
2008 Catherine Beattie Medal
2014 GCA Club Medal of Merit
Pam Baugh
2018 Best in Show Photography
Dale Jones Carruthers
GCA Horticulture Judge
1994-96 Zone VIII Representative Flower Show Committee
Karen Smith Chapman
1989 Zone VIII HorticultureAchievement Certificate
1989 GCA Club Conservation Achievement Certificate
Margaret Spencer Cobbs
2018 Marion Thompson Fuller Brown Conservation Award
2023 Club Communication Award
Marie Glenn Cobbs
GCA Artistic Judge
Naneita Cobbs
2022 Little Garden Club Horticulture Awars
2022 Member Years of Service- 50 years
Betsy Yeates Coxe
1995 GCA Club Certificate of Appreciation
Mary Moren Sellers Crommelin
2002-04 Zone VIII Representative Flower Show Committee
2004-06 Zone VIII Representative Admissions Committee
GCA Artistic Judge
Margaret McCollum DeBardeleben
2024 GCA Novice Award Photography
Trudy Rogers Evans Levenson
2014 GCA Club Horticulture Award
Susan Nabors Haskell
1994-96 Zone VIII Vice Chairman
2024 Club Conservation Award
Jane Hill Head
1076-78 Zone VIII Representative Flower Show Committee
1978-80 Zone VIII Representative Horticulture Committee
1982 GCA Zone VIII Horticulture Achievement Certificate
1984-86 Zone VIII Representative Admissions Committee
1985 GCA Club Horticulture Achievement Certificate
1986-88 Zone VIII Representative Slide Library of Notable American Parks & Gardens Projects
1988-90 Zone VIII Representative Judging Committee
1992 GCA Zone VIII Horticulture Award
Carey Thomas Hinds
2016 Sandra Baylor Novice Floral Design Award
2023 Club Appreciation Award
Laide Long Karpeles
1998-00 Zone VIII Representative Visiting Gardens Committee
2000-02 Zone VIII Representative Bulletin Committee
Bobbie Orr Kaul
1970 GCA Zone VIII Medal of Merit
1982 GCA Zone VIII Conservation Award
Sally Smith Legg
2003 Dorothy Victor Munger Award for Floral Design
Shelley Gearhart Lindstrom
2008-10 Zone VIII Representative Bulletin Committee
Elizabeth McCollum
2018 GCA Novice Award in Horticulture
Ellen McWhorter
2023 GCA Novice Award in Photography
Allison Comer Murray
1994-96 Zone VIII Representative Bulletin Committee
2010 Sandra Baylor Novice Flower Arrangement Award
Kenny Ryding Powell
GCA Horticulture Judge
Frances Blackwell Robinson
2018 Club Floral Design Achievement
2022 Club Appreciation Award
Virginia Carruthers Smith
2004 Harriet Dewaele Puckett Creativity Award
2022-24 Zone VIII Representative Bulletin Committee
Virginia Beeland Bissell Spencer
1978-80 Zone VIII Representative Judging Committee
1982 GCA Zone VIII Medal of Merit
1983-85 Zone VIII Representative Flower Show Committee
1983 GCA Zone VIII Horticulture Award
1992 Katherine Eaton Cobb Award
Peggy Steeves
1961 GCA Club Horticulture Award
Lucy Chappell Tutwiler
1995 GCA Club Conservation Achievement Certificate
1997 Ann Lyon Crammond Award
2010-12 Zone VIII Representative Founders Fund Committee
2014 GCA Club Communications Award
Linda Vann
2023 Dorothy Victor Munger Award
Wendy Wall White
2003 GCA Club Horticulture Achievement Certificate
Louise Agee Wrinkle
1978-80 Zone VIII Representative Admissions Committee
1982-84 Zone VIII Representative Horticulture Committee
1984-85 Vice Chairman GCA Plant Exchange
1985-87 Chairman GCA Horticulture Committee
1985 GCA Zone VIII Horticulture Award
1987-89 Zone VIII Director
1989-91 GCA Corresponding Secretary
1991-92 GCA Vice President
1991 GCA Zone VIII Creative Leadership Award
1992-94 Chairman GCA Publications Committee
1998-00 Chairman GCA Members-at-Large
2000-02 Vice Chairman of Horticulture Committee for the Freeman Medal
2001 GCA National Achievement Medal
2006 Established the Louise Agee Wrinkle for Propagation Award in GCA Major Flower Show
2010 Catherine Beattie Medal of Horticulture
2011 GCA Club Medal of Merit
2014 Honored with the establishment of the Louise Agee Wrinkle Internship at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens
GCA Horticulture Judge
2018 Zone VIII Weesie Smith Horticulture
2018 Ann Lyon Crammond Award
2022 Member Years of Service- 55 years
GCA National and Zone Awards
1992 Small Flower Show Award – received with Red Mountain Garden Club
2005 GCA Public Relations Award
2008 GCA Corliss Knapp Engle Zone Horticultural Sweepstakes Award
2010 Clarissa Willemsen Horticulture Propagation Award –received with Red Mountain Garden Club
2014 GCA Corliss Knapp Engle Zone Horticultural Sweepstakes Award
2014 Marion Thompson Fuller Brown Conservation Award
2014 Ann Lyon Crammond Award
Garden Club of America Zone and National Awards submitted by Little Garden Club and Received by Non-Members
Nimrod Long
1997 Zone VIII Civic Improvement Certificate of Acknowledgement to Non-Members
Roald Hazelhoff
2002 GCA Civic Improvement Certificate of Acknowledgement for Non-Members
Eddie Aldridge
2003 Zone VIII Horticulture Certificate of Acknowledgement for Non-Members
Audrey Ann Wilson
2005 GCA Elizabeth Abernathy Hull Award
Kay and Eddie Aldridge
2006 GCA Florens DeBevoise Medal
Frederick S. (Rick) Middleton
2013 The Cynthia Pratt Laughlin Medal
United States Steel Corporation
2014 GCA Zone VIII Civic Improvement Commendation
Henry Hughes
2014 GCA Zone VIII Horticulture Commendation
Gordon Black
2015 GCA Elizabeth Abernathy Hull Award
Little Garden Club Members’ Gardens in the Archives of American Gardens, Smithsonian Institute
Virginia Beeland Bissell Spencer
Wendy Wall White
Louise Agee Wrinkle